Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Loren Solberg Capitol Update October, 2009

Balanced Budget' Subcommittee Holds First Hearing

ST. PAUL – Rep. Loren Solberg was recently appointed to the budget subcommittee of Planning and Fiscal Policy by Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher. The first meeting was held on October 19th, and it was a productive start to the important work ahead. The charge of this subcommittee is to build on the bipartisan recommendations of the Minnesota Leadership summit held in September. At the subcommittee hearing, members listened to testimony from economic experts and discussed how to address the historic budget challenges facing Minnesota in the upcoming biennium as well as the budget challenges of the future.

 "We need to have an honest and open discussion with the public about the steep challenges we face with our state budget both now and into the future," said Solberg. "The state budget can only be addressed if we put all available options on the table and work with leaders across the political spectrum toward our shared goal of lasting economic prosperity. I'm glad to have the opportunity to work on this critically important issue for the future of our state."

In September, 12 former governors and legislative leaders participated in a first of its kind summit to explore our state budget challenges. The group issued recommendations for addressing the historic budget deficit Minnesota will face in the upcoming biennium, which could equal almost one-fifth of projected state spending. The recommendations from summit participants included: combining spending cuts with revenue increases to preserve state priorities; creating and maintaining an appropriate budget reserve; and strictly matching spending to revenue in each biennial budget, without the use of spending shifts or accounting gimmicks. Solberg said the former leaders made it clear our budget problems required immediate action to restore and sustain Minnesota's economic edge.

"The longer we wait to address our state budget concerns, the larger the problem becomes," said Solberg. "I'm hopeful this subcommittee can work together to form a proactive guide we can utilize next session so that we can begin positioning Minnesota for a stable budget and lasting economic recovery."

            Other members appointed to the subcommittee include:

Senate Majority Leader Sen. Larry Pogemiller, DFL – Minneapolis
Rep. Lyndon Carlson, DFL – Crystal, chair of the House Finance committee

·        Senate Minority Leader Sen. David Senjem, R-Rochester.

·        Senate President James Metzen, DFL-South St. Paul.

·        Sen. Don Betzold, DFL-Fridley, chair of the Senate's State Government Budget Division.

·        Sen. Dick Cohen, DFL-St. Paul, chair of the Senate Finance Committee.

·        House Minority Leader Kurt Zellers, R-Maple Grove.

·        Rep. Thomas Huntley, DFL-Duluth, chair of the House Health Care and Human Services Finance Division.

·        Rep. Ann Lenczewski, DFL-Bloomington, chair of the House Tax Committee.

State Rep. Loren Solberg
News Release
Minnesota House of Representatives                                           Contact: Sandy Connolly
District 3B  (651) 296-2365                                                                       (651) 296-8877
349 State Office Building, St. Paul, MN 55155                                            sandy.connolly@house.mn

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