Monday, May 17, 2010

Help Set Grand Rapids Community Vision - May 25th

Creating a vision for Grand Rapids in 20 years is the first step in
developing a new comprehensive plan for the community. The City of
Grand Rapids is holding a public meeting on Tuesday May 25th, 7:00 PM
at the Grand Rapids Middle School 1000 NE 8th Avenue, Grand Rapids.
The purpose of the meeting is to get input on people's vision for what
they want Grand Rapids to be like in 20 years.

The Comprehensive Plan is the official long-range policy document for
the City, guiding zoning and land use ordinances, investments in
public infrastructure, economic development programs, natural resource
use and protection, housing policy, and other issues. Grand Rapids'
existing Comprehensive Plan is eight years old. Many policies and
recommendations in the existing plan no longer reflect the current
needs, concerns, and issues of Grand Rapids residents and businesses.
The new Comprehensive Plan will reflect the vision of Grand Rapids
residents, businesses, and other stakeholders.

A Steering Committee made up of residents, government officials, and
business owners is setting the plan's priorities and policy
recommendations, which will be put before the Grand Rapids Planning
Commission and City Council for adoption when complete. The Committee
seeks your opinion on whether the 2003 plan still reflects community
goals, what forward-looking issues are most pressing, and whether the
Committee is on the right track in defining long range goals.

The planning process for the new Comprehensive Plan is just starting
and will take about a year to complete. The Steering Committee has
started to define the desired long-term vision for Grand Rapids and
compare it to the vision from the 2003 Plan. In order to set the new
long-term vision, the Steering Committee needs public comment to
identify the long-term issues, problems, and opportunities that
residents, businesses, and visitors believe are most important.

The Committee invites residents and other interested parties to shape
the City's desired future form and character. Based on the comments
and priorities expressed at this meeting, the Steering Committee will
create land use goals, policies, and a future land use map for Grand

At this public meeting the Committee will listen to residents'
perceptions of the Grand- Rapids-that-is and identify the issues to be
addressed for shaping the Grand-Rapidsto- be. Is this our only chance
for comment? Residents and interested parties will have additional
opportunities for public input over the next year, after additional
draft material has been developed.

For more information please contact: Rob Mattei, Grand Rapids
Community Development (218-326-7622) Brian Ross, CR Planning, Inc.

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